Cinema Technology Jan. 18, 2025
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Put Your Cinema News on DCinemaToday

Please send your cinema news to [email protected]

For any other inquiries, please Contact DCinemaToday 

What news do you publish?

DCinemaToday publishes news articles that we believe are relevant to professionals in the digital cinema market. This market represents the capture, finishing, distribution, and playback of studio-grade content (DCI-level or above) in movie theatres and other professional settings.

We avoid news about the content itself, upcoming title announcements, or routine business issues unless there is a cinema technology angle. We also avoid releases intended primarily for the financial, broadcast-to-home, or home theatre markets unless we believe they would be relevant to our readers. 

DCinemaToday keeps editorial to a minimum and lets the industry speak for itself through its news releases. Our readers have found the time-tested "press release" format ideal for quickly communicating in a straight-forward manner the essentials that industry stakeholders need to know.

All releases accepted but be newsworthy and written as “current news”.  We will not publish general product literature, marketing brochures, or magazine articles that have been quickly repurposed into a news release. 

What should the news article contain?

News articles should follow the long established "press release" format.  We request all news submitted contain the following essential elements:

  • A headline with a maximum of ~ 20 words
  • An optional sub-headline with a maximum of ~ 20 words
  • Date of release with and an optional publication time 
  • A location of release such as city, country, or event 
  • An opening paragraph of a few sentences that provides a good summary or overview of the news. 
  • The details included in the body text . 
  • The entire news release should be written with a “third person” viewpoint.  
  • An "About Company" block at the end of the release for each company releasing the news. Do not include an "About Company" block for companies mentioned and not directly involved in releasing the news.

DCinemaToday presents news releases in three different layouts depending on their age and grouping status:  

  1. Main headline only 
  2. Headlines plus a short summary paragraph
  3. The full release  

To optimize their impact, releases should therefore be written in "resolution layers" where the headline serves as a low-resolution version, and when coupled with the first paragraph results in a medium-resolution version, and the entire release represents the full-resolution version.  

All accepted releases are published as much as possible in their original version. We avoid making changes unless to correct for simple and obvious grammatical or typographical errors. When necessary, titles are converted to title-case and unnecessary punctuation removed. We occasionally edit over-length or excessively wordy headlines, or break paragraphs to increase readability. 

What file formats do you accept?

We recommend DOC or TXT files either attached or inserted directly into the email.  Visually accurate print formats such as PDF are not recommended for on-line publication, as the conversion to html can be inaccurate. For consistency, user-supplied styles and formatting are removed to be consistent with the DCinemaToday layout style.  Hyperlinks are removed from the first paragraph. Occasional embedded URLs in the main body are acceptable if their usage is appropriate and not excessive.  Readers leaving DCinemaToday via embedded hyperlinks are logged and counted with a report available to authorized login accounts who have been granted company access. See details in the login account section for more information.      

What about timing and embargoed press releases?

For the best placement it is important to send press releases promptly.  All releases are sequenced and made visible by the date and time indicated at the top of the release. If no exact time is specified, releases are sequenced by release date in the order received.   Forward dating of previously issued news  releases is not allowed.  If the same (or similar) press release is found on other media, the date/time of the press release on DCinemaToday may be reset and reordered to the earliest found published date and time.

Press releases can be submitted in advance under embargo provided the release date, time and time zone are clearly specified.  If the embargo is broken in advance intentionally by an “exclusive” or unintentionally by other media, we may reset the posted release sequence to the earliest published time and date. 

How do I get my logos and ads on my news releases?

Individuals with company update access can upload a company logo that will appear on the company's information page and as well as above the "about company" text block on their news releases.  See notes on login page for information on how to become a company updater. (An email address with the company's domain and verifiable association with the company is required.)    See notes on the Company admin module about how to upload logos and monitor news traffic. 

DCinemaToday is supported by the cinema industry's leading manufacturers and service providers who receive increased visibility with logos, links, and favorable placement.  A sponsor position is not required for publication on DCinemaToday.  The same editorial guidelines apply to sponsors and non-sponsors alike.  However, our sponsors do get a range of additional visibility benefits, such as initial placement in the center column, extended with summary and additional links. (Non-sponsored news releases will begin with the headline only in the “More News” column.)   Sponsors also get their headline in bold font as they flow into the “More News” column with the summary text presented in a mouse-over box.  The sponsored Full News page will contain the sponsor’s logo and banner ad with a cleaner layout and no competitive advertising.

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