Cinema Technology Jul. 26, 2024
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Guangzhou Jinyi Media Corporation Ltd China

About Guangzhou Jinyi Media Corporation:
Guangzhou Jinyi Media Corporation Ltd. (Jinyi Media, 002905, SZ) headquartered in Zhujiang New City, Guangzhou, China, was established in 2004. Jinyi Media is a media company in China dedicated to the exhibition, distribution and production of movies. Jinyi Media's main business includes cinema investment and construction, movie distribution and exhibition, movie investment and production, and cinema advertising services. The company’s cinema chain GZ.Jin Yi ZhuJiang Movie Circuit Co.,Ltd. is among the top cinema chains in China. With “Showcasing the Appeal of Movies and Communicating the Culture of Movies” as its operating philosophy, Jinyi Media strives to create an ideal, comfortable, and exquisite environment and powerful audio-visual experience by keeping improving its exhibition systems. Following 15 years of development, Jinyi Media has reaped great results and is highly recognized by the industry. “Jinyi” and “J” are designated as famous trademarks by the Aministration of Industry and Commerce of Guangzhou Minicipality and Guangdong Province respectively. Jinyi Media is ranked among Guangzhou’s Top 100 Innovative Companies and Top 100 Branded Companies, Guangzhou’s Exemlary Companies, Innovative Companies in the Cultural Industry, Guangdong’s Top 100 Companies in the Service Industry, and Guangdong’s Top 500 Companies.

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