Cinemex, the world’s 6th largest exhibitor, has chosen
Arts Alliance Media (AAM) to be the exclusive provider of software to its
cinema screens across Mexico. The chain, which has 2,000 screens in Mexico,
will use AAM’s proprietary software suite to manage content across all its
digital cinema estate.
Cinemex, which is negotiating its own VPF (Virtual Print
Fee) deals directly with the studios, will roll out digital across its network
over the next 18 months, and will utilize a range of AAM software products to
manage various aspects of the deployment.
All screens will employ AAM’s world-class and newly enhanced Screenwriter Theatre Management System to
manage content, playlist, scheduling and reports, and the enterprise Producer software will be used to manage
the entire Cinemex chain with circuit-wide schedule management, centralized
advertising and pre-show creation, and dynamic playlist updating.
For monitoring and maintenance of all screens, Cinemex will use
AAM’s Lifeguard suite to monitor
equipment 24/7, and provide notifications of any exceptions which need to be
resolved. AAM’s Auditor will manage
all aspects of Cinemex’s VPF deployment, managing and tracking all equipment
deployed in the field, gathering data and reconciling to booking reports.
To deliver advertising across the Cinemex network, the circuit will
use Courier – the content delivery
system designed to deliver centrally stored content to sites over existing
network connections, providing complete control and visibility over all pre-show
Andrei Savtchenko, Head of Information Technology at Cinemex said
“Managing a digital rollout across a circuit of 2,000 screens can be a
logistical challenge, but with AAM’s integrated software that has been
repeatedly proven in the field, we know that all the details and commitments
for running a digital cinema chain will be taken care of by software built by
digital cinema experts.”
Howard Kiedaisch, Chief Executive Officer of AAM, commented “Deploying
our suite of software products across a chain as large and respected as Cinemex
is a really exciting opportunity for AAM. We’ve used all of our experience over
the past years in digital cinema to build solutions to best serve the needs of
exhibitors like Cinemex who are poised for tremendous growth over the coming
years and we’re thrilled to be working with them. The digital cinema
opportunity in Latin America at the moment is very exciting, and we look
forward to working with other exhibitors in the region, large and small, to support
and facilitate their digital rollouts”