Berlin/Tübingen—Dec 12, 2008
Berlin Festival Goes Digital
BEWEGTE BILDER Digital Cinema delivers full digital package to the Berlin International Film Festival.
Not only do the specialists from Tübingen furnish each of the 28 cinemas of the Berlin Festival with digital cinema servers: this week they also put three complete mastering stations into operation. In the following weeks, more than 400 feature and documentary films will be transformed into Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs). All films at the Berlin Festival that are digitally available will in the future be screened exclusively in digital format from cinema servers. Videotape format was yesterday. Worldwide, this is the first time an A-festival has crossed over completely to the side of server-based projection technology.
BEWEGTE BILDER rises to the logistical challenge the task poses through a specially designed workflow. This workflow deploys the currently fastest available computer systems and also includes a network connection which (at 10GB speed) delivers data at a velocity much higher than the usual data throughput. The digitally-mastered films are stored on 45 Terabyte storage space and are imported into the servers via external hard drives and fast SATA connections. All films here are encrypted according to the DCI/SMPTE standards and are thus protected from illegal copying.
Carsten Schuffert, CEO of BEWEGTE BILDER Media Corporation, is happy “that such an important festival like the Berlin Film Festival has chosen us as partner. Once again, this proves our great know-how in the area of digital cinema. Mastering 400 films in so short a time, is a great challenge.”
The Berlin International Film Festival starts on February 5th, 2009.