Leading D-cinema software company Unique Digital have completed the rollout of RosettaNet mobile Theatre Management System (TMS) to all 205 Cinemas in Norway through Unique Cinema Systems, complimenting additional deployments already in use in the UK, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Denmark and UAE.
RosettaNet is the first fully functional mobile TMS solution allowing users to completely manage their theatres from any location. The brilliant flexibility of RosettaNet means that a cinema owner can monitor and control one or all TMSs in realtime over any network connection.
RosettaNet is built on secure HTML5 technology so users are not limited to one operating system. Take a laptop, tablet, iOS, Android or Windows device and take control of your estate. RosettaNet’s intuitive summary view knows how many screens are playing and how many are offline, that KDMs, content and scheduling are in place so no shows are lost. Users can even turn the lights on when its time to clean the auditorium, all tightly secured so the right staff have the right access. Cinema management can also create and deploy estate-wide playlists and macros from RosettaNet ensuring genuine enterprise level control.
Einar Jakobsen from Bergen Kino said “RosettaNet is a fantastically powerful tool, I can monitor and control my cinema from anywhere inside the building our out. We’ve been using RosettaNet for over a year and from projectionist to popcorn salesperson it streamlines our operations. The advancement of D-cinema technology from Unique Digital has been breathtaking.”
Chris Hagan, Chairman of Unique Digital added "We've been working on a genuine mobile theatre management system for several years having seen the need very early, and our clients really feeling the benefit of the operational savings it creates. Its always been Unique Digital's goal to build the best solutions which generate efficiencies for our clients".