Stockholm—Jan 13, 2007
Cinema Park Network Brings Four-Dimensional Experience to Sweden
~ Multi-sensorial theater opened at the science museum in Stockholm ~
Cino4, the first SMART Theater in Sweden, opened its gates at the National Museum of Science and Technology. The SMART Theater was introduced at Tekniska museet by the worldwide Cinema Park Network.
The main aim of the SMART Theater is to create an overall 4D experience so that viewers can not only see movies but also interact with them through other senses such as sight, scent , sound, touch, motion and above all – personal remote controls
Cinema Park Network upgraded the National Museum of Science and Technology’s auditorium to a SMART Theater based on the existing infrastructure with a state-of-the-art technological platform, presenting a new type of content. In a typical SMART Theatre, two digital video players play simultaneously projecting a 3D image on a silver screen. The visitors sit on Smart Motion Seats that move around, have bass shakers and multiple ticklers. Viewers also experience special effects, such as breeze, water spray and smoke. SMART Theatre is the first ever interactive cinema theater in the world, where the viewers hold wireless remote units with push buttons and a small LCD screen, enabling them to try and win a Trivia quiz game related to the film theme.
According to Ms. Anne Louise Kemdal, Director at the National Museum of Science and Technology, “This will provide our visitors with an experience unmatched anywhere else in our region. Cinema Park's rich library of edutainment titles modified by the museum's team will enables us to maximize the utilization of our infrastructure, attract a new audience to the science museum, and score a high rate of repeat visitations.”
For Cino4 in Stockholm, Cinema Park produced a special experience, called Learning to Fly. The new program reveals how humankind has been emulating the ingenious practice of nature in our attempts to fly. Viewers fly along one of the greatest flight challenges on Earth – the bird’s biyearly migration. The visitors experience their journey with the birds, as they face the challenges of navigation, energy supply, and unexpected hardships – and see how human flight deals with the same challenges. Learning to Fly was jointly developed by Cinema Park Network and the National Museum of Science and Technology’s team, headed by Ms. Mariana Back, the museum's curator.
Mr. Ori Yardeni, CEO and Founder of Cinema Park Network say: "I come from a family of teachers. So I always knew, that good content alone, or good teaching methods alone, wouldn’t work. The art is to combine them, and to do so cost-effectively, too. That's the key to quality, profitable educational experiences."
Yardeni considers the secret of SMART Theater's appeal to be a carefully constructed balance between the educational elements and the fun elements. Cinema Park Network enjoys a world wide success in different locations around the world, such as Greece, Mexico, Turkey, Poland and Israel. "We created a unique concept of a worldwide network, where all science centers are members of the network and share our multi-sensory educational content. Every new program in our library is developed with active involvement of the science museums, members of our global network. We refresh them with new titles periodically, and jointly adapt the program to each science museum's need. This is to ensure that the SMART Theaters will not turn into a white-elephants", added Mr. Yardeni.