D-BOX Technologies Inc. (TSX:
DBO) and PT Cinemaxx Global Pasifik (Cinemaxx), affiliate of Indonesia’s Lippo
Group, are pleased to announce the conclusion of an agreement to install D-BOX
immersive motion systems into the first auditorium in Indonesia in 2016.
"The addition of D-BOX reinforces our commitment to give moviegoers the best
cinematic experience possible" declared Mr. Mohit Dubey, President of
Cinemaxx. "The D-BOX brand has international notoriety and we are absolutely
convinced that today's agreement, which may expand over time, will be a
tremendous success for our business and the satisfaction of our guests."
"This announcement marks yet another milestone in our international expansion.
Teaming up with an exhibitor like Cinemaxx is an important step in our mission to
build on our presence throughout Asia", mentioned Claude Mc Master, President
and CEO of D-BOX Technologies. "Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in
the world, is on an upward growth path. It also has a relatively young population
which enthusiastically responds to the type of entertainment we provide", added
Mc Master.